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News & Announcements

School Hours

Monday-Thursday 7:50-2:20

Fridays are Late Start - 8:50-2:20.

Breakfast starts at 7:30 a.m. (Friday 8:30 a.m.) Students enter through the front doors. Students not having breakfast enter at the gym entrance by the tennis courts at 7:40 a.m. (Fri - 8:40 a.m.) Class starts at 7:50 a.m. (Fri-8:50 a.m.)

Tardy students need to signed into the office by a parent to be excused.


Young man smiling

Dorian School Pictures

October 9th - M/W PK and Kinder-2nd Grade Individual Pictures.

October 10th - T/TH Pk and 3rd-5th Individual Pictures.



Couphing Girls Wearing a Mask

When to Keep Your Sick Child Home

If you child has a fever - Keep child home 24 hours after fever breaks without any fever reducing medicine.
Vomiting and/or Diarrhea - Keep your child home for 24 hours after the last bout.
Coughing, chronic cough - If persistent and accompanied by other symptoms such as episodes of coughing followed by gagging, please keep student home. Medical evaluation may be needed.
COVID - Positive test, or COVID in the house and child has symptoms.

Please keep your child home and contact our health team
at 509-559-4727.