News & Announcements
Winter S.T.E.A.M. Family Night
Amie Heuschkel
January Feed Cheney
Amie Heuschkel
Mid-Winter Break & Emergency Make-up Day No School January 21-22
Amie Heuschkel
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School January 20th
Amie Heuschkel
Winter Family Night
Amie Heuschkel
When to Keep Your Sick Child Home
If you child has a fever - Keep child home 24 hours after fever breaks without any fever reducing medicine.
Vomiting and/or Diarrhea - Keep your child home for 24 hours after the last bout.
Coughing, chronic cough - If persistent and accompanied by other symptoms such as episodes of coughing followed by gagging, please keep student home. Medical evaluation may be needed.
COVID - Positive test, or COVID in the house and child has symptoms.